Duo Form Plastics for RVs on Show Segment 2021-18
Duo Form was founded in 1968 here at Edwards Burg, Michigan. Over the last 50 plus years, Duo Form has grown into a large recreational vehicle supplier.
Duo Form was founded in 1968 here at Edwards Burg, Michigan. Over the last 50 plus years, Duo Form has grown into a large recreational vehicle supplier.
The BIG REVEAL of the RV Women’s Alliance Drab to Fab Project Trailer at the RV/MH Hall of Fame. You can now enter to win!
Meet Melissa Vitali from Graphix Unlimited. If the name sounds familiar, think about those great graphics you’ve seen on our Super NO BO projects for Care Camps.
Meet Mollee Veurink, from Veurink’s RV Centerin Grand Rapids, Michigan. We’ll learn how she grew her career in the RV industry.
You know, it’s interesting, the RV industry, historically, hasn’t always cared about people and culture and, you know, how do we innovate, how do we transform the industry. Those aren’t the questions that were on the minds and hearts of most of the leaders, right? It was very much a numbers-driven, production-driven, get it in, get it out, turn and burn people if you have to, if we’re getting units out the door, that’s all that matters.
It’s amazing the amount of talent and amount of different types of jobs that are available for every facet of any talent out there for women. So as you’re making memories in your RV, I want you to stop and think about other women that contributed to the memories you’re making today. Everyone from the woman CEO to the woman line worker all had a part in it. And I’m incredibly proud to be a part of an industry where we can make this happen.