Meet Women in RVing Mollee Veurink | Sanitize RV Water System | Broughton Marsh Campground | and More on Rollin’ On TV 2021-16
This week in our “Women in RVing” series, we meet Mollee Veurink, from Veurink’s RV Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We’ll learn how she grew her career in the RV industry. Then Mark Polk, from RV Education 101, explains the best way to keep your fresh water RV system clean and sanitized. Later, Jeff Johnston takes us to Broughton Marsh Campground in Wisconsin, and tells us, “Don’t let the name put you off.” This fantastic campground is a gem you should visit. In our “Paws on Board” segment, Dr. Fitz from Fitz Med explains the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion, how to tell the difference and how to treat your dog, should it face either one.