Meet More RV Industry Ladies as the RVWA ‘Drab to Fab’ Project Continues – Show Segment 2021-09
We join the RV Women’s Alliance team and see what’s on their project board for this week’s Drab the Fab trailer remodeling project.
We join the RV Women’s Alliance team and see what’s on their project board for this week’s Drab the Fab trailer remodeling project.
We catch up with the gals at RV Women’s Alliance as they continue on their “Drab to Fab” trailer rebuild project that is getting close to completion.
Do you know that over 50% of RVs have the same storage compartment keys? Think about that for a moment while we take you to a company that can solve that problem and others when it comes to RV entry door and compartment latch and lock systems.
We catch up with the gals at RV Women’s Alliance as they continue on their “Drab to Fab” trailer rebuild project that is getting close to completion.
Michelle visits the Spyglass Ridge Winery, an interesting Harvest Host destination in Sunbury, PA- It’s also a brewery, restaurant, and concert venue.