support care camps

Rollin' On TV and Forest River Team Up to Support Care Camps in Two Ways

Increasing Awareness to Care Camps

Rollin’ On TV’s  first focus is expanding public awareness about Care Camps to the RVing community. Currently, only 25% of RVers surveyed know about the children’s oncology camps and opportunities available to contribute to the cause. To achieve this goal, Rollin’ On TV will use its weekly household reach of over 40-million homes nationwide, along with streaming media and online reach, to bring awareness and educate viewers about Care Camps through a series of public service announcements and informative, educational segments to be produced throughout 2020 and 2021.

In order to measure the effectiveness of our coverage, we’d ask, if you wish to make a donation, that you do it through this donation link. 100% of your donations to go this worthy cause.

Help us raise funds for this worthy cause.  No amount is too small. 


Super NO BO Raffle Benefits Care Camps

Rollin’ On TV and Forest River, Inc. have teamed up with Care Camps, to help children with cancer and their families by raising funds enabling them to experience the healing power of the outdoors through special oncology summer camps. 

Tickets can be purchased here!

Rollin’ On TV has partnered with Forest River, one of Care Camps biggest financial supporters, to raffle off a customized new 2021 No Boundaries, “NO BO” for short, model 16.8 will be raffled off during 2020.

Working with sponsors and suppliers, this customized ‘SUPER NO BO’ has been transformed into a ‘one-of-a-kind’ showpiece that will stand out anywhere, making the winner of this raffle one proud, happy camper. 

Tickets can be purchased here.

All proceeds for the ticket sales go to Care Camps.

Care Camps Board President Wade Elliott said, “We are thrilled to have Rollin’ On TV join forces with Forest River and Care Camps to bring more awareness to children with cancer and the healing nature of camping. It is partnerships like these that help us meet the needs of these kids and ensure that every child impacted by cancer has the chance to enjoy fun activities at medically supervised oncology camps across the country at no cost to their families.