South African ‘Gypsey Light’ Camper is Affordable, Roomy

Folks, if you’ve never heard of the Gypsey Lite camper, you are not alone, writes Christian Curmei at After combing the internet for details, I could find out that it was once built by Jurgens. These days, on the other hand, brands such as Jurgens, Sprite, Gypsey, and a few others are under the manufacturing control of Leefek, a crew established back in 2019. I’m not sure how that may have happened, but one of the trailers they build is the Lite.

While there are plenty of travel trailers on the market, there are certainly a few reasons why I chose to bring to light an RV from South Africa, and one of them is price. Believe it or not, what you see in the gallery can be found on the market, priced at around 165,000 ZAR, which is roughly $11,355 (at current exchange rates). This, of course, depends on the dealership you use and the features included, but you get the idea.

Already you can start to imagine and understand that just as its name would imply, this camper is light, apparently, both in weight and features, but that just means there’s plenty of room for you to decorate the RV as you wish. Since you’ll be towing around a camper with a GVM of 750 kg (1,653 lbs), you won’t need the most powerful whip in your driveway to get things moving. To see just what sort of lifestyle you’ll be able to enjoy, I invite you on a journey through my imagination. Read more here.