rv industry

The 2021 Super NO BO 2 Sweepstakes is Closed and the Winner is David Overby!
The winner must agree to indemnify and hold Rollin’ On TV, Forest River Inc. and Care Camps/their officers/directors and volunteers harmless from any and all liabilities, including, but not limited to income tax and/or personal injury with respect to participation in the promotion and possession or use of the prize(s) awarded, and also acknowledge that they did not receive any representations, warranty or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness of the prize.
The prize winner(s) must release and forever discharge Rollin’ On TV, Forest River Inc. and Care Camps, their officers, directors, agents and employees, acting officially or otherwise, from all liability, claims, demands, damages, expenses, actions or causes of action, resulting from his or her injury or death that may occur as a result of any prize received, or the use thereof as the winner or growing out of the negligence or misconduct of others, and he or she must indemnify and hold Rollin’ On TV, Forest River Inc. and Care Camps harmless with respect to any and all damages, claims and other expenses incurred by Rollin’ On TV and Forest River in connection with any lawsuit related to his or her actions.
The grand prize winner(s) must certify that he or she is fully aware of all risks inherent in the possession and use of the prize as well as potential physical injury including death resulting from its use. Further, acceptance of the grand prize will require the winner and the winner’s travel companion to sign a liability release prior to departure. Any liability of Rollin’ On TV, Forest River Inc. and Care Camps shall be limited to the ticket price paid and in the case of any dispute, the Foundation’s decision shall be final.
If, for any reason, the drawing cannot be conducted as planned by reason of infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes which, in the sole opinion of Rollin’ On TV, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the drawing, Rollin’ On TV reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the drawing. The decision of Rollin’ On TV shall be final and binding of any and all matters concerning the drawing.
The winner(s) will be drawn on October 29th. The winner(s) will have 10 business days from notification to confirm with Rollin’ On TV to accept the prize. Otherwise, Rollin’ On TV will draw a new ticket. Arrangements for pick-up of the RV and other prizes will be made between the winner(s), Rollin’ On TV and Forest River Inc. after the winners are notified.
All federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply. Void where prohibited by law.
In acceptance of the prize, the winner consents to having their name and photograph published and used in a variety of media, including but not limited to exhibits, advertising publications, website, marketing materials, publicity, promotion, editorial or illustration or for any other purpose that Rollin’ On TV deems appropriate, without compensation.