Press Room

Winegard And DISH New 2019 Rollin’ On TV Sponsors

Rollin’ On TV is pleased to announce that Winegard and Dish have signed on as sponsors for the upcoming 2019 program season, which starts the week of January 13th.

We’re looking forward to working with Keith Larson and Shelby DeWulf, from the Winegard ad and marketing team, along with the marketing staff at Dish to bring their products and services to our multi-media, TV and online audiences.

We are already working on segments and features that will bring Winegard satellite and connectivity antennas, including the Winegard / Dish Playmaker portable, automatic satellite antenna and Dish RV packages, front and center throughout the year.

Another Winegard product that we’ll be giving a lot of coverage to is the ‘Winegard ConnecT 2.0, a WiFi and 4G LTE extender. The majority of RVer’s list ‘staying connected’ as one of their top priorities, so we’ll be giving a lot of attention to covering this important area of RVing.

ROTV has always had a ‘silent rule’ . We do not have companies that directly compete with one another as advertisers and sponsors. Bringing on both Winegard and Dish has added to our strong base of non-competing companies that we are proud to call our partners.

Winegard is a connectivity company based in the heartland with 65 years of experience. Its founder invented the multi-channel TV antenna in 1953 and the company has been innovating beyond OTA antennas ever since. The most recent innovations focus on WiFi and 4G applications to support IoT initiatives, such as “smart” RVs. Winegard still manufactures and builds its products in America. For more information, visit

Rollin’ On TV will be celebrating its ninth-year of production in 2019 as the #1 weekly RV and Camping television show in the country. ROTV has a combined cable and satellite reach of around 40-million homes and an average weekly viewing audience of around 350,000 homes. With current station and network negotiations in play, we could be adding another two to three million homes in 2019.